Roger waters
Roger waters

roger waters

It criticized the administration for threatening to suspend its fee agreement with SSMU in response to the Palestine Solidarity Policy. In May, a public letter signed by Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, author Yann Martel, former MP Libby Davies, author Chris Hedges and 200 academics, artists and authors, as well as 40 organizations, was sent to McGill principal Suzanne Fortier. It is critical to support students facing backlash for standing up for Palestine. As a McGill University alum, I’m disappointed. A few days before a BDS vote in 2015 soon to be Prime Minister Justin Trudeau interceded by tweeting, “ The BDS movement, like Israeli Apartheid Week, has no place on Canadian campuses. At the same time, pro-Israel groups made numerous interventions while the Montréal Gazette published a slew of articles critical of Palestine solidarity at McGill. After a BDS vote passed the initial stage in 2015, the administration sent students a flurry of messages on the issue.

roger waters

The administration and outside groups’ response to the Palestine Solidarity Policy is the latest in a string of interventions that has impacted Palestine solidarity at McGill. Additionally, McGill’s chapter of Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights had their club status suspended. The administration claimed the Palestine Solidarity Policy created “ a culture of ostracization and disrespect due to students’ identity, religious or political beliefs.” The resolution however, does not mention religion or ethnicity.įollowing this, SSMU’s Board of Directors concluded the Palestine Solidarity Policy didn’t conform with the union’s constitution and equity policy. Shortly after, McGill’s administration threatened to terminate its Memorandum of Agreement with the student union, which regulates fees and other matters between the university and SSMU. In response to the student vote, B’nai B’rith called on the administration to sever SSMU’s funding. The resolution aligns with the growing consensus among human rights researchers – from Amnesty International to Human Rights Watch, B’Tselem to the UN Special Rapporteur – that have found Israel to be guilty of the crime of apartheid. Among a host of measures, the resolution called on SSMU to divest from and boycott “corporations and institutions complicit in settler-colonial apartheid against Palestinians.” In March, 71 per cent of students voted for a Palestine Solidarity Policy committing the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) to standing against Israel’s system of racial discrimination. When students organize to stand with Palestinians, they are often attacked by Canada’s network of anti-Palestinian organizations, but the backlash at McGill has been particularly fierce. They join nearly two dozen student associations that have already endorsed the Palestinian civil society’s call. This past academic year, students at five Canadian universities passed resolutions supporting elements of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Roger waters